Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009

Others !?

I was very fond of the "Others" site long ago. "Others" was a forum of concerned thinkers, writers, and artists seeking other ways of knowing, being, doing and changing. See 'others' and 'otherness'.
It was online long time for internet times, for 6 full years (1998-2003), see
OTHERS on the "way-back" machine if you care and want to see more, and learn what Bildiri, the Other manifesto, Kelompok to find out who we are. Kwanzaa to find a delicious menu of articles, essays, reviews and other things and the relieve of yourself in Tamasha means, or how Suhuf helps to find information and links to valuable magazines and journals, or with Fu for many more sites on Other peoples, ideas, and cultures.
We have revisited and want to recall this great work on the ocasion of the UNESCO-DESD April 2009 in Bonn, Gemany, as Learning about sustainability has to inculde the tangible and intangible, across cultures, languages and sign-systems...

At this site we sherish the idea of giving a space for others, in other cultures, languages, sign systems... and what these "others" could actually do. Dear Suhail had hoped the exercise WOULD BE continued when we first dicussed in teh late 90ies - but before I was ready to join this very group disintegrated.... Such is life and the internet...

For me was not only to accomodata different ways and means of expression and communication, sign systems, representations and displays, schemas, concepts and percepts, but to find ways and means to bring them into shared or common pictures or models. Please note that I speak here about very braod issues which need to be seen from a distance in order to not get immersed, entangled, submerged in the noise of the so-called CyberCulture.

I had started earlier "OTHER" concepts, like:

The Other:

Well maybe you like the concepts and exercises behind the ideas. Please follow the links above, or see some background papers on dialog, deliberation, and decision making / governanace, or start with the 2nd and 3rd "other" here: Systems Encyclopedia - or about Maps and Superstructures, or come back and post your questions, or use the fora for deliberations.

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